Theater at its highest quality

Last night was an special one! I went to see "El Mandatario Idiota" with Vivian De Angelo on stage after a long time. Susan Rybin gave us one of those perfect mandatarios (rulers) we are all familiar with.

The play by Walter Ventosilla was directed by Jorge Merced an it is shown at the IATI Theater. I highly recommend it to everyone. For more information about where and when to go to watch it click here or in the Facebook event page.

Here is some of the pictures I made for the play:

It was great to see Vivian again on the stage and she really does a fantastic work as Jeremias: the buttler, buffon and eventually, as it couldn't be in any other way for this Mandatario, his minister.

Vivian and I after the show

Vivian and I after the show